Shopping on Friday, May 17, Berlin
Another sunny spring day here in the usually gray city of Berlin…
This will be a short post as I must get ready to begin long term apartment research. We have been assigned our agent, and it’s time to really start looking. Wow!
But first a little list of some of the food I found at two Bio markets and the clothes I had to buy at Aschenputtel:
1.Fish (frozen, yes, but I recognized the Marine Stewardship Council logo, so I think it will be good…it’s not fresh, but at least it looks like a decent filet)
2.Chicken (again, frozen but I can work with it)
3.Peanut Butter (it IS here–hah hah)
4.Popcorn (ah, comfort snack)
5.Basmati Rice (perfect with the chicken)
6.A striped, white, blue, and red summer dress (8 euro)
7.A pink flowery summer skirt (12 euro)
The combination of successful food finds and a little retail therapy felt very nice. I also wandered home on a different street and found two more second hand shops and a Cuban restaurant. The menu is no comparison to La Septima or my students’ cooking in Tampa, but it’s worth a try. And if there’s one Cuban restaurant, there may be more…
Always more to discover…